Fitomega SIN 16

Phytosynergic complex


FITOMEGA SIN 16 is an adjuvant in renal lithiasis. Action in oxaluria, spasms and renal colic. It helps to dissolve the deposited “urinary salts”.

Food supplement with vegetable extracts of Barberry, it favors the digestive and hepatic function, promoting the functionality of the digestive system. Bedollo, Barberry, Othrosiphon and Beech promote the functionality of the urinary tract. They promote the drainage of body fluids and the purifying functions of the organism with connective tissue trophism. Raspberry, promotes the drainage of body fluids and the regularity of intestinal transit. Lemon, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action and Uncaria tomentosa strengthens the body’s natural defenses.

Drops: 50 ml dropping bottle.

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Arctostaphylos uva ursi (bearberry) leaves sol. hydroalcoholic, Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) root bark sol. hydroalcoholic, Betula verrucosa (Bedollo) leaves sol. hydroalcoholic, Citrus limon (Lemon)
bark of the branches sol. hydroalcoholic, Fagus sylvatica (Beech) buds sol. hydroglyceric, Orthosiphon stamineus (Ortosiphon) leaves sol. hydroalcoholic, Rubus idaeus (Raspberry) leaves sol. hydroalcoholic, Uncaria tomentosa (Uncaria tomentosa) bark sol. hydroalcoholic

Adults: 20 drops, poured in a little water, 2 or more times a day
Children (4-12 years): 10 drops, poured into a little water,2 or more times a day

It is advisable to combine the use of FITOMEGA SIN with the appropriate FITOMEGA DRE/s

Supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
Keep out of the reach of children under three years of age.

Conservation methods:
Keep in a cool and dry place. Do not dispose of the container in the environment.

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