Useful in cases of Pollinosis and Allergic Rhinitis


Allergic Rhino-conjunctivitis adjuvant


  • Black alder: Ideal for promoting the well-being of the throat.
  • Pendula birch: Useful in promoting the body’s purifying functions and the correct drainage of body fluids. Promotes urinary tract functionality
  • Euphrasia: Promotes the fluidity of bronchial secretions and contributes to the well-being of the nose and throat.
  • Black currant: Effective in promoting the well-being of the nose and throat. Promotes the integrity and functionality of cell membranes. Promotes the drainage of body fluids and the functionality of the microcirculation. Useful anti-phlogistic action reiterated by numerous scientific studies.
  • Rosehip: Important Supporting, restorative and antioxidant action.
  • Uncaria tomentosa: Promotes and strengthens the body’s natural defences 


Adults: 20 drops, poured in a little water, 2 or more times a day

We recommend the use combined with the appropriate FITOMEGA SIN or FITOMEGA DRE.


All FITOMEGA® products can be used in association with each other and with any other type of therapy.