Useful in cases of Acne


Adjuvant in the treatment of acne and mild skin infections.


  • Burdock: Promotes the well-being of the skin. Promotes the body’s purifying functions and the drainage of body fluids.
  • Common fig: helps to support the digestive function and the regularity of intestinal transit.
  • Walnut: Promotes the body’s cleansing functions and digestive function. Astringent action. Regularize intestinal transit. It contributes to maintaining the integrity and functionality of cell membranes.
  • Black currant: Promotes the integrity and functionality of the membranes. Promotes the drainage of body fluids and the functionality of the urinary tract. Helps to regulate intestinal transit.
  • Oriental plane tree: It favors the natural purifying functions of the organism.
  • Uncaria tomentosa: Promotes and strengthens the body’s natural defenses
  • Red Vine: Promotes trophism and functionality of the skin. Antioxidant action. Contributes to correct integrity and functionality of cell membranes. It favors the functionality of the microcirculation and the physiological functionality of the cardiovascular system.


Adults: 20 drops, poured in a little water, 2 or more times a day

We recommend the use combined with the appropriate FITOMEGA SIN or FITOMEGA DRE.


All FITOMEGA® products can be used in association with each other and with any other type of therapy.