Useful in the cases of diarrhea

Helps to counteract different forms of diarrhea


  • China calisaia: Promotes the regularity of intestinal transit, the digestive function and the correct elimination of intestinal gas.
  • Walnut: Astringent action. It favors the digestive and purifying functions of the organism. Promotes the regularity of intestinal transit and the functionality of the digestive system. Helps maintain the integrity and functionality of cell membranes.
  • Tormentilla: Promotes the regularity of intestinal transit and the functionality of the digestive system.
  • Rosehip: Contributes to the regularity of intestinal transit. Antioxidant, support and tonic action.
  • Sanguisorba: For the regularity of intestinal transit and digestive function.
  • Uncaria tomentosa: Promotes and strengthens the body’s natural defenses
  • Cranberry: Promotes the regularity of intestinal transit. Antioxidant action.


Adults: 20 drops, poured in a little water, 2 or more times a day

Children: (4-12 years): halve the doses

We recommend the use combined with the appropriate FITOMEGA SIN or FITOMEGA DRE.


All FITOMEGA® products can be used in association with each other and with any other type of therapy.